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Writer: FaithFaith

Updated: Sep 30, 2021

If the Philippines has Island-hopping, Europe have a Castle/Garden-hopping. Castles were the home or residence of the lords and noble during the Middle Ages and Europe is known for those mighty Castles and garden mazes. Although in the present time, those Castles were already empty, it is now serves as a tourist spots in every countries of Europe. They amazingly preserved the structures and most of them were already part of the UNESCO World Heritage. At the town of Kyjov and nearby towns of Czech Republic, we had visited a few and felt like we traveled back in time.

1 | V a l t i c e P a l a c e

Located at a town of South Moravian Region which was close to the Austrian border. One of the most picturesque Baroque style Castle we visited and one of my favorites.

With our photographer :) Thank you sissy!

Hahaha! Hi Photo bombers!

Inside the Castle..

Valtice Palace's Garden

The Garden was large, we got lost for a while. Good thing my brother in law found the way back.

We saw a squirrel in this tree but failed to catch it with my camera, he was fast.

2 | M i l o t i c e C a s t l e

Located at Hodonin District of South Moravian Region, one of the smallest Castle that we visited base on its physical appearance.

My sister taking our picture. As always, very supportive!

Rear shot of the Castle

It was raining and we were cold so we didn't attempted to go farther.

3 | The Flower Garden / Bishop's Palace

Located at Kromeriz, Eastern Part of Czech Republic, a once summer seats of Bishops and Archbishops from the nearby cities. This was the biggest garden we visited that showed architecture, arts, garden labyrinth, flowers and a lot of man made creation. This was the most fun and eye candy for me.

There was a tour but we chose to just walk around.

Can you see the face also?

We came early in the morning so after roaming around, we got hungry. Good thing there was a hotdog hub inside the garden.

Unlike the hotdogs / sausages we have here in the Philippines in which we slice the bread in the middle and put the hotdog in between the slice, in Europe, they used something to make a hole and insert the hotdog inside. That way, the hotdog won't slip. Then you will choose if you want ketchup or mustard.

The face after eating the hotdog.

4 | Buchlov Castle

Located at Southeastern Moravia of Czech Republic. The Castle is situated on a hill and the only one from the 3 castles we visited that we had a tour inside. We paid a tour fee and a tourist guide accompanied us and explain every rooms we have entered. It was dark inside the castle, and cold since the whole structure was made of stone. There were a lot of rooms and other function areas. Camera was not allowed to use inside the palace to preserve the memories.

The entrance of the Castle

This was a tree that grows on a stoned canopy. I wonder how it was possible. Any idea?

That was our tour guide, the one on a blue jacket.

Wishing well.

Beside the Castle's exterior, we were allowed to use the camera on top of the castle and its surrounding view.

No, we were not cold.. Hahaha!

And I realized, it was hard to smile when you were freezing.

It was such a great experience to be able to see in actual those mighty Castles and Garden that was once on a books and TV only. Being there physically is something you should not miss when you are in Europe because it was part of their culture and history and it was such a pride to partly touch and feel it. The feeling will always not similar to the 1st Castle or the 2nd. Each visit are unique and memorable.


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