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Writer: FaithFaith

Updated: Sep 30, 2021

Ever wonder how it was to be on the air riding just a small aircraft? No, I'm not talking about a jet or a helicopter. I'm talking about a glider which can only carry one to two passengers including the pilot. It was not actually a ride that my adventurous side dream of, until I saw one. And this was probably one of the highlights of our visit in Europe. We were lucky that my brother-in-law was part of an Aero Club which consist of pilots that fly a glider that made this ride of a lifetime possible.

If you are familiar with a glider, you will understand why I borrowed the line of Allie (Rachel McAdams) to one of my favorite movie "The Notebook". A glider is an unpowered aircraft. It doesn't have a motor or engine and in order to fly, it purely depends on the air and its surrounding. Amazing right, that is why it is one of the closest machine that can make a human fly like a bird. The passenger seats were actually just enough to fit a body with a very small leg room. No more space to move around. It was as if you were a stone used in a slingshot that will be release in the air after a powerful grasps.

That little truck on my background was the one used to pull the glider with the use of a long cable attached to both side of the plane. Thru pulling, the glider can slowly take off and after reaching a certain height, the cable will be released while the glider continues its climb. This was based on what I saw. Staying in the air and how it descends were actually more on the science side so I'l just let google elaborate it to you. ;-)

Human push was also needed to help the truck on pulling while the glider obtaining its speed for the easier lift.

A parachute will be attached to anyone who will fly just in case of emergency. Thank God it was never used by any of us. We landed safe.

The glider from the point of view of people below.

The first to fly was my sister, followed by me then my father. Do we look fashionable on our parachute? ;D

My little sister's turn.

And she did it! She finished it with the smile on her face.

My older sister had already tried it several times so she was just cheering us while we were having a butterfly in our stomach.

I was really excited, I swear, until it was my turn. Ha ha ha! And when I found out that I will be seated in front, as I thought it was a pilot's seat, I got more nervous. It was me on the front while he was at my back. So everything was just in front of my face. Whew, that was nerve wracking!

Everyone had been so supportive and attentive with us. It was such a great help to lessen the tension in our senses.

So when we started ascending, I shouted so loud, I thought my lungs will go out. Lol! My heart was pumping strong. That was actually fast. But when we gained the steady height, wow, that was the best feeling ever. I was flying! And the view on top was AMAZING! I didn't know where to look at and what to appreciate first. The idea of floating in the air with that little machine or the beauty of just being above everything. Now I knew it was in good intention that we were seated at the front.

My view from the plane.

Surreal! I know I looked like a fool smiling alone while on the air although I'm not literally alone. Trying yo capture as many photos as I can while I was on top. Regretted I didn't record a video though.

While descending, I was really hoping for another ascend, lol! But we only got one try and I am thankful for the experience. I was in the air for almost 15 minutes. Well, I'm not actually sure since I never really on count as I was busy getting fascinated on the top.

Now, its Papa's turn!

And that was one of the best ride I had so far. And just thinking about it still excites me. I wish one day, I can be able to revive that feeling again. One day, again. :-)

Taking the glider into the garage.

We were thankful to my brother-in-law for the amazing experience, the pilot who flew us and the rest of the pilots who were all nice and welcoming. Dekuji Aero Club, Kyjov! Until next time.


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