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  • Writer's pictureFaith


Updated: Sep 30, 2021

It was February 2015 when I had my first glimpse of Coron and it felt wonderful to finally take it off in my bucket lists. And with a beautiful surprise, I was back again just a year after yet the excitement to explore the Island never alight.

Unlike the tours in El Nido where all the tours from Tour A to D were consistent from any travel agencies and the cost difference will be P100 -P200 only, island tours of Coron were all mixed up and the cost difference were quite significant. There were at least two to three Island differences from other tours. The number of islands to be visited in a day also varies on the agency but mostly covers 5 - 6 Islands in a day for Coron Island Hopping. So better do the research on what is the best islands to go, then compare. If you have a budget, a private tour can be arrange. Though expensive, you can personalize your tour and can go and stay as long as you please.


The Pier is located in the town of Busuanga. Either you booked the tour with your hotel or with a certain travel agency. They will be the one to provide the service that will bring you to the port and pick you up after. Since the Tour starts early in the morning I suggest you booked your tour a day before so the schedule will be settled in advance. Most of the travel agency is located in the town and booking within a day will require you to come early and commute. You can hire a trike or a pedicab to bring you at the town. Tours starts around 9:00 in the morning and ends up around 5:00 PM.



CYC Beach

Coral Garden

Banol Beach (Lunch Stop)

Twin Lagoon

Kayangan Lake

Skeleton Wreck

Siete Pecados

On my 1st visit, we were 11 tourists in the boat which consist of French, Canadian, Mongolian and Chinese. We were the only Filipino except of course with our 3 guides.

Even the way going to each island was stunning!

1 & 2 | CYC Beach & Coral Garden


The first stop was quite a catch for the boat since it hits two spots in one docking area. The CYC Beach was beautiful. With a small white sand bar and clear turquoise water. The Coral Garden needs a little swim from the CYC beach. It was a snorkeling spot and the guide will pull you to get there. Though it was shallow, you need to float because of the corals. Didn't got a chance to get there though because something bit my leg when I was about to join the rest so I decided to just enjoy the CYC beach.

This turquoise water is definitely a 'must-to go' place don't you think?

The beach was surrounded by Mangroves

3 | B a n o l B e a c h


This was where we took our lunch. With a white fine sand and crystal clear water, you won't be bothered if the meal takes time. Unless of course the stomach complains first. :)

With our boat mates.

4 | T w i n L a g o o n


This will be my favorite spot of the Tour next to Kayangan Lake. You'll know why once you see the photos. :)


5 | K a y a n g a n La k e


Kayangan Lake deserves to be put on a separate and single blog and so I did. You can check about it here.

6 | S k e l e t o n W r e c k


Skeleton Wreck is a popular diving and snorkeling site at Coron Island. The ships were sunken during the World War II, an attack between Japanese and US Navy fleet. Those bombed ships are now part of historical site, resting at the bay of Coron. Though to be able to get into it, diving skills is needed. There's a lot of diving school at Busuanga if you really want this experience. For us, we just settled to just snorkel atop which was also magical with lot of different colored fishes that were showing off during that time.

6 | S i e t e P e c a d o s


Siete Pecados is another famous snorkeling spot. It features large corals and amazing marine life. Since this was our last spot, no one got out from the boat. I guess everyone was tired from all the activities we have done the whole day.

Those who love diving and snorkeling will definitely enjoy this Island hopping. Coron has one of the most beautiful underwater view. Its the places like this that I regret not having an underwater camera. But if you're not a fan of underwater activities, the view on top is equally stunning. You will never get wrong at Coron.

Coron has a lot to offer. From beach hopping and Island hopping, snorkeling, diving, kayaking and other water activities that you can name. Coron also offers a Safari Tour. But since it was from a different town and far from Busuanga, the cost of the Tour was high. You need to be in a flexible budget in order to try everything.

The place like Coron makes you realize how beautiful the Philippines is and how little you just know it. The beauty of the country are beyond everyone's imagination. So make a step. Be the first to know your country. As you have seen, our tour was dominated by foreigners. No question of how proud I am, but my hope is that we will be the first to explore it and be one to make it known, not the other way around. What I experienced may not come close to even half of what Coron can show. Definitely a worth of another visit. Again. And again. And again.

You can check these hotels where I stayed during my visits :

And for other activities at Busuanga and Coron, kindly check these blogs:


x o x o


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