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  • Writer's pictureFaith


Updated: Sep 30, 2021

June 2013, the first time I set my foot in Boracay. And it's quite a shame that foreigners had been flocking on and off in that Island first before me. So imagine how excited I was. The beauty of Boracay is known not only in the Philippines but all over the world. You will immediately know why once you experience the white fine sand, see the clear blue water, the surreal sunset, the unending activities and the island itself. Finally, ticked this island off in my bucket list.

DAY 1 | Walking from Station 1 to Station 3 | Swimming | Photos

For the first timer, Boracay area Is divided into 3 stations. Our hotel was located at Station 3 of Boracay. You can find a lot of recreation and different restaurants, mall and bars at Station 2. The noise was all on Station 2 so if you want a crazy surrounding, find a place at Station 2. Station 1 was where some high end hotels and resorts were located. It was less crowded than the two Stations. This was based on what I saw and observed. But all the stations have restaurants and food hubs. And they all have the same sand and beach so you can never go wrong anywhere at Boracay. Although at high tides, you can never find a shore at Station 1.

Say hi to my travel buddies, Arem, Wowie, Ruziel and Owen. :)

Boracay shore is good to be explored in bare foot. The white sand was really fine, it was like talc spread along boracay and really felt good in the feet.

Summer is time for bikinis, as they say. So better get ready to flaunt your summer bod. Well, in my case, I was just brave. Lol! Two days after I came from my month long Europe vacation, we flew to Boracay and I didn't got a chance to burn those European treats on my belly. But oh well, who cares, I'm in Boracay and besides, everyone is beautiful regardless of shapes and colors, so go girls, chase the sun! Just be confident, and you can conquer! ;)

Enjoyed it with friends and fiance..

Buffet Lunch at Astoria

Boracay was also a food haven. There was a lot of places you can try. But since we were all hungry after all the walking and photo taking, we taught buffet can be satisfying.

The food was okay. Enough to make you full but not extraordinary.

After our lunch, we had a chance to look around and see some rooms. And I can say that it was quite nice. Astoria Boracay offers a cozy and relaxing stay on their hotel but not for those in tight budget. The interiors were really impressive.

Though for me, if you will visit places like Boracay, it's not practical to spend too much on your accommodation especially if you will stay outdoor most of the time. Besides, Boracay is meant to be enjoyed. It was a paradise that should be explored. Feel the sand, enjoy the sun, meet the crowds, and just be carefree. Don't drown yourself on an indoor pool or feel cold on the four sides of your room.

Relax, it's just my opinion. Of course you can indulge yourself to anything you can afford. :)

Swimming Time!

It was cloudy and a little windy but nevertheless, we enjoyed our swim.

Our 1st Night

It's time to experience the night life of Boracay. Party and drinks were everywhere. Cheers everyone!

At Station 2. Blending with the crowd.

We reached Station 1 looking for a right place where we can drink and party. As expected, Station 1 was less crowded. So we got back to Station 2. There was a lot of noise and activities at Station 2. Fire dancers, singers and different gimmicks from the bars.

Boracay never sleeps at night and we found ourselves at WAVE Bar and Lounge. The place was cozy and more private. They have performers outside the bar that gathered the crowd. Although the dance floor was a little small and gets crowded easily, we had fun meeting some tourists while dancing. And the party lights and music were so inviting. :) We definitely had fun!


DAY 2 | Island Hopping

1st Activity:

Helmet Diving. It was fun especially the interaction with the fishes but the helmet was kinda heavy and uncomfortable. Our shoulders were all red and ached a little after, tolerable though. I think these helmets were the old fashioned one. There were others who offers helmet diving that uses lighter helmets. You need to check that first before saying yes to an offer.

Oh, that photobomber fish. ;)

Snorkeling galore!

(Hahaha! I need help! Can't go up in the boat.)

Next Stop:

Crystal Cove Island

There was an entrance fee in this island, I just forgot how much we paid. The Island was well maintained the way it should be since they make people pay for each visit. We had our chance to enter the two caves but the last cave was an extra effort and a guide was needed because it was difficult to penetrate. Never try to go alone.

1st Cave

2nd Cave

The second cave was a real struggle. You cannot explore the cave without a guide. We needed to cross the chest deep water using a rope and put ourselves on a small hole. We crawled until we came to a larger hole. Gladly we succeeded to see the end which has an open view of the sea. But the struggle didn't stop. Hahaha. The stones were slippery that we needed to be careful in our steps because once we fall on the water, it can wash us away to the sea as the current was strong. Scary! And there was a moment that we needed to cross the other side, the current almost took my swimwear away from me. Lol! That will be embarrassing. But that was a nice adventure though. I remember us all nervous but still laughing. And since the guide had been so eager to take all the photos and been so helpful, he deserved the large tip. :)

Yey, we came out alive! That what was our happy faces means. Ha Ha!

Photo ops after we successfully survived being drowned on the second cave. Sorry, I can't get over it! :D

Aura! Pak!

Our last tour for the day was a lunch in an island (I forgot the name). The food was expensive. It was like eating in a restaurant where the food was not that incredible. I felt like they took advantage of the fact that the tourists didn't have a choice but to buy from them since it was the last stop and everyone came hungry after the island adventures. There was also no other food outlets in the island. Bad!

Last Night: Souvenir hunting and our last chance to party and be crazy!

The dancing chefs.

No, we didn't like blue. :P

Indeed, we had a great 3-day vacation. And it's really more fun to explore wonderful places with great company.

Boracay is really one of the best that the country can offer that is why it was one of the number one tourist destinations in the Philippines. Unfortunately, this fame is also the reason why the island is starting to deteriorate . And I'm afraid that one day, Boracay is no longer the Boracay that people knew. Commercial establishments are everywhere, resorts are killing the environment, the shore is getting shorter and most of the tourists don't have the heart to care. I hope that the local government can do something about it. And as a tourist, please let us be responsible. We can have fun without adding any damage to the island. Let's all protect this little paradise that God has been blessed our country. Act before it's too late. Save our paradise!

Boracay Port


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