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  • Writer's pictureFaith


Updated: Oct 8, 2021

Though a little tired and sore with our falls hopping at Samboan, we didn't turned our back for another physical activity which was the hike to Osmeña peak. Osmeña peak which is said to be the highest point of Cebu is composed of jagged hills that used to be compared to Chocolate Hills of Bohol though unlike to it's rounded hills, Osmeña Peak has a sharp and pointed mountain and hills.


Osmeña Peak is located at Dalaguete, Cebu, the Southern part of the province. Most of its day time visitors come from Moalboal, Samboan or Oslob, the three most visited towns of the South. Coming from Moalboal or Cebu City, ride a bus going to Oslob and hopped off at Dalaguete junction. While if you're coming from Oslob, a bus going to Cebu City will cross at the same drop off point. From the junction, hire a habal habal or private car and it will bring you directly to jump-off entrance. Everyone needs to sign in Tourism Center sheet for the record and pay the entrance fee. It was around P30.00 per head. Most of the time, there are guides waiting in the area. Though it was not necessary to get one, I suggest that you should hire one. Well because having a local with you feels safer and at the same time it will be a good help for them as well. The guides ranges to 100-200 fee, not heavy especially if you are in a large group. As far as we can, let us help our tourism that promotes income to the locals.

The trail looked steep but don't let it deceived you because it was actually easy. I was on my flip flops and wore a dress that is surely not a hiking clothes. Lol! The hike will last for around 20-30 minutes, depends on how long you intend to stay at the peak.

There were rounded and pointed hills. It felt like we were in Ireland. :)

Though the hike was easy, it will be a different story if there's a rain. It will be slippery and a flip flops may not be advisable. And the weather, with rain or not is sometimes cold due to the high altitude of the place especially at late noon. So better be prepared when you gear up.

The view on the peak is incredible. With the overlooking Cebu sea.

I was happy we were able to include this in our activities at South of Cebu. Definitely shouldn't be missed. And we were lucky, only few groups were there when we did it, I was saved on a lot of wondering eyes why the hell am I wearing an off shoulder jump suit trekking a mountain. Haha! We got our perfect shot and perfect awkward poses.


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