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  • Writer's pictureFaith


Updated: Sep 10, 2021

With the quick transformation of San Juan into one of the summer destination in Luzon, various hotels and resorts had spread near the coastline of the town. But San Juan Surf has been in the service for more than 2 decades even before the San Juan beach became a surfing capital of the North. Despite of its age, the resort was a picture of modernity and well maintained resort.


San Juan Surf is located along McArthur Highway, 238, Urbiztondo, San Juan, San Fernando La Union, Philippines. Public buses going to Ilocos will come across the resort. There were signs of the resort's name along the highway in case you missed it. The front of the resort is their parking lot and you need to walk just a few meters to the entrance's door. Once you enter the premise of the resort, buildings of white paint with glass doors and windows will welcome your sight.


R o o m


We booked for a deluxe room with a rate of P2,850.00 per night. The room was good for 2 person, facing the garden. Though space was limited, it was modern and nicely set up. I loved that it has a glass facade which shows the garden outside and has a small balcony with a nice set of chairs and table.

G a r d e n


I loved the fact that though San Juan Surf is a beach front resort, they provided a space for garden with nicely maintained grass and various plants and tress around. It made the resort looks more calming and relaxing.

R e s t a u r a n t


Their restaurant is also called Coast Call Kitchen and Bar. We only got a chance to dine every morning since our stay includes a breakfast meal. Mostly, we were outside and tried to explore different meal from San Juan. The restaurant was designed in modern wood style. It has a nice ambiance with an overlooking beach.

The ground floor of this 3 floored building was the restaurant. It directly faces the ocean.

The wall was such a nice spot for a photo. :)

This was on the side entrance of the restaurant. Can be a photo backdrop also.

S u r f S h o p & V i e w D e c k


Forgot something from home such as surf and beach essentials? No worries as the resort has its own shop for that. Though we didn't saw the prices inside, I guess they serve its purpose. There were also souvenirs inside.

With the same building of the shop room caters the view deck of the Resort. It has also table, chairs and sun loungers where yo u can enjoy a drinks or snack while watching the surfers playing in the waves.

J a c u z z i


Though it doesn't have a pool, the resort's offers a Jacuzzi. But it was not free. They charge P1,000.00 for use which I think was not fair so we ended up not wanting to try it.

This tinted glass window room was where you can find the Jacuzzi, located beside the view deck. It was properly sealed so you don't need to worry about your privacy.

S a n J u a n S u r f S c h o o l


San Juan Resort is also known for its Surf School that was founded for more than a decade because it was led by internationally accredited surfers. For sure learning will be fun and safe. Some of the surf boards was also visible in the area which I think was available for rent.

T h e B e a c h


Though beach front, it is public and so you can't expect to have the beach for yourself alone. The Urbiztondo San Juan beach is mostly busy with different activities and daily visitors. But if you're lucky, you can find a quiet moments early in the morning where the beach is sometimes almost empty. The sand was fine with gray to black color and was nicely clean a lot of times.

Any spot along San Juan was best for sunset viewing.

I find San Juan Surf Resort cozy with calm vibes. I also loved the fact that the beach was accessible but the resort was still very private though I'm not sure if it has the same situation every summer where almost all the resorts in San Juan are fully booked as were were here on the month of January. The rate of the guestroom was more than worthy of the service and experience that you can get. I will definitely never think twice to stay here again once I return to San Juan.

If you want a 4 star experience in the same location, you can also check my blog about Kahuna Beach Resort & Spa.

x o x o


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