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  • Writer's pictureFaith


Updated: Sep 9, 2021

The planned hike to Mt. Gulugod Baboy was the reason we booked a stay at Sea Spring Resort. Since we had a sunset hike, we decided to stay for a night around the location to give us enough time to rest and enjoy Anilao. Might also fun if we camp in Mt. Gulugod but unfortunately, we didn't have camping equipment but we kept it in mind to try it the next time.

Going to Sea Spring Resort

Sea spring Resort is located at Brgy. Mainit, Mabini, Anilao Batangas, a good 3 hours ride from Manila. From the terminal at Buendia Pasay, we ride a bus heading to Batangas Pier. After an hour, we reached the Batangas City terminal where we got a jeepney going to Mabini. The ride was about almost an hour. Public transport didn't reach the location of the resort as it is located at the far end of Brgy. Mainit and out of way for the jeepney route so from Mabini's rotonda, we rode a trike that brought us to the gate of the resort. We pass along the entry point of Mt. Gulugod Baboy. The road was fully paved though it is quite steep to reach.


R o o m


We came at around noon. A little late for lunch so we were all tired and hungry so we just asked for a room service lunch meal. We didn't got a chance so see what was around when we came since after we eat, we only took few minutes arranging our things, rest a little then prepared ourselves for the hike. We were five in the group and we got a triple room which had a 3 double beds to accommodate all of us. The room was okay, nothing fancy, just good for a night sleep. The size was enough for a small table, a TV and a small bathroom. The air-con was not performing well. Good thing we got a balcony where we had a view of the garden and the sea. And I loved the life size glass door and window. From the look of it, the resort is already aging and needs to be freshen up.

Balcony view...

We had a glimpse of sunset before we left for our hike.

L o b b y


Hotel's lobby was like a home in the provinces. A tiled floor and a big living space with multiple sofa and table sets.

Ready for our hike.

P o o l A r e a & H o t S p r i n g


We never knew at first that they have a hot spring pool since it was just beside the regular pool and we thought it was just the same. After the hike, we arranged a night swim but it was a little windy and we got cold. The hot pool saved the plan. It was quite big. At first the temperature was scary hot for the skin but after a while we got used to it and enjoyed the soaked while having a good conversation. It was nice on the body especially that we were all tired because of the hike at Mt. Gulugod Baboy. Made all our muscles relaxed.

G a r d e n & F a c a d e


Hotel's garden will be my favorite part of the resort. Though I don't know if it was right to be called garden when there was not much plants planted. The large green grass area has the background of Anilao's sea and mountain and made me like the view. I'm glad they didn't maximize the space. It gave a nice touch to the resort.

B e a c h


Sea Spring Resort is located on a beach side which made an extra appeal to the resort but don't expect it to be grand. The little shore has a rough soil full of pebbles. During the stay I didn't saw anyone swam on it. Though there were boats docked on the side if you wanted to arrange an island hopping.

Overall, the place was okay and the stay was enjoyable since I share it with friends and because it served it's purpose to be our sleeping place for our hike. But honestly the Resort is not something I would like to book again for the second time.


x o x o


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