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  • Writer's pictureFaith


Updated: Sep 30, 2021

Zambales is a province in Central Luzon which becomes one of the favorite destinations of those who loves beaches considering that it lies on the western shoreline of Luzon along South China Sea with multiple inlets on it and also a favorite of hikers because of its mountains. My grand father on my father side are from Zambales. So we have few remaining relatives from there but never I remember visiting them once when I was growing up since my grandpa is also not staying there anymore. It was just on the recent years that we got a chance to visit the place.


A trip to Zambales from Manila will take you half a day of travel. From Cavite, we took a Saulog Bus bound to Olongapo. Though it will make us ride another bus from there, it was more convenient for us than to travel to Manila and lined up in the terminal with other commuters. From Olongapo, we took another bus for an hour drive that directly passed the town of San Antonio where our relatives live. From there, a few minute trike ride and we reached our destination. We decided to have the whole day on the next day for our awaited Island hopping. Happy we don't need a hotel on this time of travel. Free accommodation is always a great treat.


San Antonio is the home of many islands, beaches and coves of Zambales. This small town is truly remarkable as it offers variety of activities, may it land or water. Since we had a one full day, we tried the island hopping and it was impressive. We rented a boat for 2k for the whole day and got us three beautiful islands. I'm not sure if this rate are the one charge for every boat but considering that we were 7 in the group and we have local with us (relatives), I'm sure this rate was in a friendly price already.

P a n d a q u i t B e a c h


We started at Pandaquit beach though it was not considered as part of the tour as it serves as a jump off to the other islands. It was a long stretch of white/creamy sand. You will pass a residential houses before you can reach the shore but the distance of those houses were far enough so it was okay. I didn't appreciate it much when we got there as the sun was burning my sight. The beach was almost empty in the morning but when we came back, the beach was busy and the sun was already setting, turned out it was a nice beach also if not with too much boats docked on the shore.

Morning photos.

Afternoon photos.

C a m a r a I s l a n d


Camara Island is the nearest island from Pandaquit beach. If you will look back on my photo of Pandaquit at day time, you can see the Camara from there. It is a small island with white sand and islets around it.

It was so pretty even from afar.

Docking area. That background was my favorite view.

There were sanded area but most of bedding on this side are all lime and stones. So be careful as it was slippery. If you have snorkeling gears, you can do so.

The best feature of Camara was its sand bar. The sand bar extends until the islet which I guess is almost a hundred of meters away from the shore. You'll notice those people walking almost near of the islet. We came around 10 in the morning and it was still low tide.

Me & my sister. Her shot vs my shot. lol!

The left end of the Island.

There was a hill behind the beach where you can climb to take a vantage point of the Island. The view was amazing!

C a p o n e s I s l a n d


Capones Island has the nicest landscape among the three. All those mountains are the backdrop of the beach. The sand was white and fine though there are some stones scattered in the shore. The island has a long and large shore. The only disadvantage was it didn't have any shades or large branched trees. It was difficult to be under the sun for so long and you don't have any place to run for a cover or rest from the heat.

Our way to the Island.

The water was crystal clear. Though it gets deep after a few meters.

Daddy's girls.

We didn't stay long because the sun was burning hot on the skin already. And since it was almost lunch time, we preferred to eat our lunch at the next stop.

The view along the way going to the next island was the best. Being almost near to those hills and mountains. It made me grasp so hard because I so love what was just in front of my eyes and wonder that nature has always this effect on me.

A n a w a n g i n C o v e


Among the beaches and islands at San Antonio, I think Anawangin Cove is the most known one. You will notice it immediately even before you land. The place was crowded and developed. Maybe because Anawangin offers variety of activities like swimming, hiking, camping, and snorkeling. The island is large, there are designated area where you can camp out. It was quite a walk if you wanted to explore the place from the shore and the camp site.

A fenced area will greet you once you landed in the island. The fence runs from end to end of the shore. Inside of it are nipa cottages and tables which was quite a lot to count, almost from end to end also, though there were empty areas on the far end of the shore. The cottages or tables are for rent, depends on the size of it. There were also stores around. You can cook as long as you have all the things you need like cookwares, etc. There are also barbecue areas. Anawangin has quite a small community already. Most of the things you need can be offered around.


Campsite is located behind the beach which is surrounded by pine trees. A river separates the beach shore and the camp site and a wooden bridge was made to connect the two. There were few tents already set up and while time is running into late noon, group of people continue to add on the numbers. There were wooden chairs, tables and comfort room.


There was a small lake just behind the cottages which was also surrounded by pine trees.


There were net set up on the beach for anyone who wants to play volleyball. Nothing much of a water activities, only swimming and snorkeling.

We stayed the longest at Anawangin. We had our lunch and had a walk around. We also got a chance to nap and rest a little. I saw people climbing on one of the hill beside the beach and I was tempted to try it but we didn't much have the time to do it. If you're planning for a hike, you need to camp out in the island or come early if you are just on a day tour. We left at almost sunset.

Anawangin won't bore you with scenery and people and as much as I love the pine trees, and the hills and mountains surrounding the island, it is my least favorite among the three. Why? Because it is over do. The place was crowded and the number of cottages and stores installed was insane. It was least appealing to me for that reasons. Beach vacation for me means serenity and a peaceful time to enjoy the surrounding and with those crowd, I won't find it in Anawangin.

Of course we have all our preferences and that was mine alone. If your goal is to socialize and meet new friends while having to experience all the activities in the area, Anawangin is definitely for you. :)

We came back to Pandaquit Beach with these view. Wow, it was actually enough sight to make me want to go to Zambales again. Marvelous!

Truly magical work of God!

T a l i s y i n C o v e


This will come as a bonus. As I told you, we visited only 3 islands in this trip. Talisayin was on a different date of visit. A year in difference exactly. Haha. I'm not sure I can explain how we get here because we took a different route. We never went to Pandaquit beach to reach this. Talisayin is still part of San Antonio so I guess it is possible if you choose to include this on your day tour though your stay on each islands will be shorten. I'll just share you the photos instead.

This was our jump off. A boat ride of 3 mins brought us to the cove. It was near from here, but we still need a boat of course because we have things and food to carry and we didn't have intention to swim from here. And actually, I don't know how to swim but nevertheless, if I knew how, It will be a long swim if you come to think of it.

Talisayin was a nice beach. The sand was brown and black and water was clear. The photo above was a river in the morning located behind the main beach shore. Around noon and it started to get low. We spent most of the time in the sand far from the shore where we got a tent. We just ate and rest. Xander had fun too!

My macho baby! :) He met a new friend. :) It was still moving but he bravely touch it.

I found this nice little oasis in the middle of the beach.

It was Xander's first actual beach experience. And he had fun. He also found some new friends. These kids were so fond of him considering he was the youngest in the group.

We were happy that it was low tide and the water was clear. Xander got a chance to play. If this water was high, he won't dare put his feet on it.

Talisayin was a nice beach. The sand was brown and black and water was clear. The photo above was a river in the morning located behind the main beach shore. Around noon and it started to get low. We spent most of the time in the sand far from the shore where we got a tent. We just ate and rest. Xander had fun too!

The sun's starting to descend when we decided to take a walk in the shore. Since it was already low tide, we got a large shore. Sky was on its cotton candy color. So pretty and the beach was peaceful. Almost empty and I loved it!

Since it was already low tide, we just walked going back because boat won't work without water. The beach we saw in the morning with sea water above our waist was now almost empty of water. One of the stunning walk I had because the little of water that remained had become a nice reflection of the sky. Stunning! The color was so gorgeous! Hope you wont mind if I flood you with it.

Just sad I didn't got a landscape shot. All was on portrait because Instagram posts are better on portrait shots. Forgot I have a blog that prefers the other one.

Seeing these beauties personally, Zambales didn't disappoint. Considering that I only got a chance to see what's around in San Antonio, the rest will surely as stunning as these islands and beaches. I always believe that Philippines has the nicest and most breath taking pieces of nature and Zambales can absolutely attest to that. See you in my next island escapade!


x o x o


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